
Cloquet Carlton County Airport

Fuel Prices: 100LL: $3.60  per gallon
JET-A: $3.00 per gallon

Current as of June 9, 2009
Aviation Lubricant: Aero-Shell: 100 - 80 - 65
Aero-Shell: 15w - 50
Phillips 20w - 50
Payment:Cash, AVCard, MaterCard, Multi-Service, Visa, Phillips, And Many Others
Hours:Attendant: 8am to 5pm Daily
After Hours: 218.879.9720 or 218.393.2405

Moose Lake Carlton County Airport

Fuel Prices: 100LL: $3.60 per gallon
Current as of June 9, 2009
Aviation Lubricant: Aero-Shell: 100 - 80 - 65
Aero-Shell: 15w - 50
Phillips 20w - 50
Payment:Cash, AVCard, MaterCard, Multi-Service, Visa, Phillips, And Many Others
Hours:Unattended: Call 218.389.6005